Belief Conviction Truth

Belief + Conviction = Truth – No It Does Not.

Belief is a common factor in today’s world and not much thought is ever given to what it means or how it works. We all have been conditioned through the ages to simply accept belief on face value. Never really recognizing how dangerous and misleading it actually is.

What an individual believes can get wrapped together with conviction to reinforce its power over mankind. All the time going unnoticed for the most part for what it really is. If you don’t believe in something then nothing will happen in your life, is a common concept by many about belief.

The Belief System is a control factor over the minds of humanity.

Belief is the psychological state in which an individual holds a conjecture or premise to be true. When in fact it is not real truth.

Rarely do humans believe the same way. It is a control system to divide humanity.

Seek deeper understanding that allows the flexibility for change. Deeper understanding removes the cognitive dissonance that belief will create.

Those that cling to belief will fight sometimes to the death for a false sense of what is truth.

Here’s an example of real truth. Gravity. If you jump off a cliff the truth is you will fall to the bottom. No debate on that one.

Conviction is a product of the same System. All designed to control the minds of humanity.

Conviction: a fixed firm belief. The act of moving a person by argument or evidence to belief, agreement, consent, or a course of action; the action of conviction on a belief. The state of being convinced by what one believes.

First came the Money System of control, created by the Phoenicians of old, today they are called the Jesuit Order. Then they created Religion in all its forms. Religion required a Belief System and Conviction thereof.

Think about it, and gain a deeper understanding of how the few control the many. Take Care.

Belief + Conviction = Truth – No It Does Not.


You are the Balance to this Illusion Called Life.

We live in this materialistic third dimension of duality. Where the negative and the positive poles vibrate and create density. The human instrument is the balance of that vibrating energy. The focal point between the positive and negative duality.

Visualize a pendulum that swings between two points in time. Between the positive and the negative dualities. Creating a vibrating wave of energy as it swings back and forth. Now realize you are the focal point of that swinging pendulum the center point that creates the balance and allows for the pendulum to actually swing. You are the triangulation of everything that is in this materialist third dimensional illusion of reality. You create the balance to this illusion called life.

Once we all realize this simple truth, accountability and responsibility will return to this illusion and it will return to the peace and harmony vibration intended.

Those that promote the fear vibration, the negative vibration have lost the focal point and have incorporated an out of balance life illusion. You can change all that very quickly. We are all one, all we have to do is act like it. Take Care.

We are the Balance that allows the Manifestation of the Illusion of Life.

Why Am I Here

Just Why Am I Here?

Have You Ever Wondered Why Am I Here?
Why Was I Born? Do I Have A Mission?

This is a question that has plagued me for as long as I can remember. It lead me to spirituality were I gained a deeper understanding to discover that we are multi dimensional beings having a third dimensional experience in a human vessel. That we are a fragment of first source, we are a fragment of the divine, seeking to prefect ourselves. To contribute.

We are the caretakers of this planet, of this Earthly experience and it is our mission to contribute, to give, to the freedom of actually being here. Freedom is true love. We need to give and have respect and honor for our mother planet for the experience that we are all here to have as contributors to first source, as a contributor to God. That’s why we are here. That’s our mission. Are you giving to that mission? Are you contributing?

Are you a caretaker of this planet? Taking care not to offend Mother Earth, not to polluted it, not to poison it. Are you giving to others in a way they can appreciate? Are you creating? Are you making a difference, in a positive way, or are you just existing still wondering why you are here. Are you making up excuses why you can’t do whatever it is? Is that your purpose? To take? To be so deep in the ego that all that’s interesting is what’s in it for you. Egotistical, me, me, my, my. Is that contributing? Is that being accountable and responsible to your mission? We are either part of the solution, or we are part of the problem.

Why am I here? I am here as a caretaker of this planet. I am here to create and to give to the freedom of all. Not to take away from that fact. Not to take away from the truth. But to give. To respect. Is that why you are here? If not … Why are you here?
Take Care

Just Why Am I Here Right Now?

Discover More! View This YouTube Play List Now …


Connecting Dots

Connecting The Dots To This Reality

Connecting Dots to this reality can be a challenge that most people do not want to give the time to peruse.

We are just too busy painting our lives the way we have been told they should be. Just trying to doge the sting of reality.

All the while blindfolded to the free choice of our duality and missing the cosmic connections we all share.

There is something going on behind the scenes of our life that is a deep black hole of mystery.

The soul spirit that chose to come to this controlled planet landed with such force it shattered the memory of why we came here in the first place.

This allowed outside forces to take over our lives and rearrange the dots for their benefits.

Directing our path as we all run towards an oncoming train thinking it is the tree of life.

Bound on rough water and crucified on the shipwreck we call Earth.

An illusion of fake reality appearing to be real.

As human sacrifices to unknown gods of astro-theology and satanic worship. Blind and deaf to who we really are.

We are the Kings and Queens of love and life. Seeking the arrow of truth and freedom. Connecting those dots and spreading the word that death is the real illusion.

Connecting The Dots Click Image Below

Connecting dots can be a huge challenge for most of humanity and very hard to understand how we can be so easily brain washed by fear into thinking we are free. When in fact we are not free. We are slaves to those that indoctrinate and control our thoughts and lives. It is time for us all to wake from this nightmare and reclaim our humanity before it is too late. Before there is nothing left to claim and only the wreckage of Earth to leave to our children. Start Connecting Dots Today.

Connecting Dots


Money We Slave For It’s Power

Money, the root of all that is of evil it is said. We are enslaved by it, we are driven to make it at any cost, and we must have it to survive on Earth.

Whose idea was this? Who invented money and why is money the most important thing in the lives of humanity?

The Phoenicians way back around 1500 BC were the first to invent money as coinage. Up until 1500 BC, all money was cattle, lambs, goats or pigs. Steers were by far the biggest food animal and so they were the highest denomination of money. The Phoenicians carried their cattle with them for trading but these big creatures proved to very cumbersome on long voyages. This was the time when Crete was the headquarters of the big boat people and were in control of the lines of supply to control the travel of ships. Crete was called the bull civilization, as they were worshipers of the male fertility god.

Money first was made of half-rings that looked like a pair of bull’s horns. Many today mistake them for bracelets. Soon the traders found that most people had no memory of the cattle during the trading days and didn’t recognize the miniature iron bull horn. If metal was being used for trading then there were other kinds of metal they preferred trading with like silver, copper and gold. They were much easier to judge by weight and were more aesthetically pleasing than the forged iron bull horn symbols.

This soon brought metal coinage into the game of world trading with the first coin bearing the image of the sovereign of the homeland of the Phoenicians.

Gold then became the most sought after type of coin. Monatomic gold powder was said to increase the life span in ancient times of those that ingested it and might just be why gold became the number one form of money.

With money came power and separation. The have and those that have not. If you paid someone money you could make the demand over them to provide a service a product and it would not require you to be civil about it. This is how it is today. You pay someone and you rule over them.

What happened to the civility of trade? If you traded you would have to be civil or you would not have anyone to trade with. You would have to be honorable as well. People would not want to trade with a crooked dishonorable person. We seem to have lost all of that in today’s world of money and power.

Seems to me we could do without money and return to a more civilized world. A world with honor and respect. A world were people were closer to each other and actually cared what they thought about one another. A more peaceful world of trust and appreciation. A world that would have more freedom and love.

Money? Who needs that? Who tells us we need money? Ah, yes good old government. The parent that enslaves us because we are too immature to govern ourselves. Maybe we should rethink the need for money and government? Think about it?

Money, Do We Need to Slave For It’s Power?


Usury, What Is It?

The fact that money should be wealth, a tangible commodity is one of the greatest foundational lies of the bankers. Money is not wealth! Let that sink in for a minute. Money is what we agree to uses as a means of exchange. Money should not be wealth. Money should not be a commodity. Because then it can become scarce, sparser than other commodities and the lack of money in circulation will create a depression. That is exactly what the bankers want.

Commodity based money is always controlled by those controlling the commodities. It’s as simple as that. Commodities based money makes it more plausible for the bankers to say “Listen I’m giving you real money!” “I’m not printing it; I’m giving you something real, like this cool shiny gold stuff here!” So it becomes very reasonable to ask for this higher interest rate, because you’re getting something tangible in return. You see a banker does not care how he gets your life force. Fiat money, credit based money or gold backed money as long as you are reduced to an interest slave. If we pay interest in gold coins, in paper debt notes or whatever the payment maybe, a banker does not really care.

The fact is, money is scarce weather it is gold based or paper based because of the usury on the money supply. Usury creates money scarcity because usury sucks up money that is being paid by the many to the few and the few don’t spend it back into circulation. They lend it back into circulation! This creates eternal money scarcity through usury. In other words usury means you are an interest paying slave.

A paper based money supply can grow indefinitely by creating new credit and printing more paper. All the while creating new interest payments along the way. In fact we are so in debt right now as a nation that most all the money you make is sucked up by usury/interest payments.

Gold backed money will deflate prices and wages as there is only so much money in the system and it will increase interest percentages greatly to increase the banker’s usury. So they get us either way. Deflating the money is the main cause for depressions. If we study history we can see this proven time and time again.

Inflation and deflation is all controlled by the bankers. This makes for no real economic business cycle. All the volumes of money are completely manipulated by the banks. There is no natural business cycle when everything is being controlled in this manner. The money system is completely artificial.

Keep in mind the banking cartel own the government, the schools and everything you can think of. We are debt slaves or better defined as interest slaves. They reap the resources of humanities energies. Our life forces are taken from us through usury and scarce money and all sorts of manipulations.

We need to stop feeding the beast that rules over us that is sucking up our life force. If we stop feeding this system it will slowly wither away. Stop banking, stop using pharmaceuticals, stop using oil, and so on. Not that easy? Of course it’s not that easy. That’s the way they set it up. The answer however is reading this text right now. YOU. If we all stop using this system as much as possible there in fact will be no need for this system that enslaves us. We are the answer, it’s that simple. Think in ways to reclaim your life force.

It’s not that they have all the money in the world to control us my friends. It’s the fact that we have been brained washed into thinking money is actually needed to live a natural life. When in fact it is not needed at all and is the farthest thing from natural that can be imagined.


Usury: u·su·ry ˈyo͞oZH(ə)rē/ noun: usury the illegal action or practice of lending money at unreasonably high rates of interest.

Bank at Your Own Risk

Banking Can Be Risky

Banking is Not a Wise Choice and Risky Business!
Picture yourself in one of these scenarios. You go shopping and your credit card transaction is denied despite the fact you know you have money in your account. Or you go to an ATM machine and you are informed that your withdrawal request has been denied. Or you’re a public official such as a School Business Administrator, County Treasurer, Municipal Finance Manger, Pensions Fund Administrator, or anyone that has responsibility for protecting public tax payer funds. You’re informed that all accounts have been frozen until further notice. As you investigate why you can’t access money you know should be available, you find out that the bank has failed, and has been closed till further notice by the FDIC. You also discover that the Government will be confiscating part of your deposits in order to stabilize the bank. You believe that this can’t happen here because the FDIC protects your money. You may have placed your money in the bank because it has large vaults and is protected by the government. You may have placed public moneys into a bank because their collateralize and the government will back them therefore you think these funds are safe.

All of these assumptions are not based on fact. Perhaps you recall that in Cyprus depositor’s money was confiscated in order to stabilize the banks. Similar pans are already in place to do the same in the United States and other countries.

In a nutshell, the banks in Cyprus were over leveraged to the point that their liabilities exceeded their gross domestic product. Because of the global bailouts of the banks in 2008 was so politically unpopular a multinational investment banking and asset management firm also know as a global banking troika that consisted of the International Monetary Fund, The European Central Bank, and the European Union. Imposed a bail in program, in which bank customers will have some of their savings taken in order to stabilize the banks. The losses to some clients in Cyprus were as high as 60%. In order to protect their selves, the Cyprus Government closed the banks for 12 days and people had limited access to their money. Long line formed at the ATM machines.

The large global and Wall Street Banks, are the ones at the most risk because they’ve been gambling with depositor money on risky derivative bets, and other speculative investments devises. Which means that when, not if, these bets start going bad the banks will be on the hook for these deficient values.

According to the Bank for International Settlements, a World Central Bank, the value of these derivatives contracts is an astounding 700 Trillion dollars. That’s 700,000 Billion dollars! The entire World GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is only 70 Trillion dollars in comparison. There is not enough money on the planet to cover these bets.

What most people don’t understand is that once you give a bank your money, the money is legally no longer yours! Under the law depositors are considered unsecured creditors to the bank and are treated as such under any bankruptcy proceedings. This type of law has happened with the collapse of MF Global, and while MF Global was a Futures Trading Company and not a bank, the blueprint for confiscations was delivered here. The losses of customer funds were upheld by the legal system with the sentinel case. Another important fact is this, these speculative derivatives have super priority status in a bankruptcy proceeding, which means that any derivative contract holder gets paid first, before shareholders, creditors, and depositors like you.

If you’re a public official with fiduciary responsibility to protect public moneys, this news is critically important with far reaching implications about what your responsibility demands. If you can’t deposit public moneys into the large Wall Street Banks without being a proven risk to losing access to it to confiscation under existing laws what options are there? Well one option would be to create a public bank for your municipality like North Dakota did 94 years ago. Their public bank was completely unaffected by the Wall Street Bank collapses, and financial trials back in 2008 and in fact boasted one of their larges profits ever while other mighty financial institutions fell. The Bank of North Dakota which treats its funds as utilities rather that a speculative fund to gamble for profit has a simple purpose, to preserve and protect its assets while investing in local priorities, instead of non-local international corporations. It is completely independent of global banker greed and risky behaviors. Its money cannot be confiscated. Public officials need to be clear about this risk while the prospect of funds confiscation sounds startling, it is none the less true that the risk is not only there, its promised to take place if such bank failures occur again, and you’re probably aware that such failures are expected by many, if not most financial observers.

This is your moment, a time to step up to the plate, look around at the environment and the financial players pitted against you, and to act prudently in the interest of your community. The era of blind trust in the institutions of global finance is over. Public fiscal officers and citizens alike would be well served to learn more on how to create a local public bank and what it might look like to have a new financial engine that provides for community growth, funds security, and increased local investment. There is now an urgent choice to be made at every municipal level. Either leave your money in the hands of proven gamblers with the promise it will be confiscated when more bad deals go down, or take a bold innovative step to empower and safeguard community funds by adopting the proven public bank alternative. At the very least you should pull your money out of your bank before it’s too late!

Bank at Your Own Risk

Atlantis Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation

Atlantis, Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation by Michael Tsarion

This is one of the best reads that I have found on the basics of history. Tsarion really did some excellent verifiable research on this book. Atlantis did in fact exist and is not some fairy tale or myth. Tsarion has a way of explaining things from a psychological prescriptive that is fascinating to read and listen too. Check out the video as well. Take Care, Optima Mentis

Atlantis, Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation PDF DOWN LOAD LINK
X Michael Tsarion
In Program One, of the “Origins & Oracles” series, Michael Tsarion takes us on a vivid journey back to the time of the lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria. On this journey, timeless mysteries are unraveled and explained like never before. Masses of disinformation concerning pre-history and the origins of humanity, which have duped scholars and researchers for generations, are eradicated and we are finally able to connect the dots and comprehend how the innumerable idioms of our modern world came into being. In the tradition of Immanuel Velikovsky, Zechariah Sitchin, Jordan Maxwell, Graham Hancock and Michael Cremo, Michael Tsarion investigates the true origins of mankind and throws open doors which have been sealed for many an age.

Atlantis, Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation PDF DOWN LOAD LINK
Click through to to watch free presentations.

Atlantis, Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation by Michael Tsarion


Atlanteans The First Beings On Earth

Atlanteans where the first to inhabit our great planet Earth. In order for humanity to move out of slavery we must all gain a deeper understanding of how and why we got ourselves into this mess to begin with. The following information is one of the best studies I have personally found to assist in this deeper understanding. It is about how the Atlanteans became the slaves of Earth. Although many may indeed scoff at this information, it resonates with me on a very deep level. It’s time we all do our best to understand the problem before we can be the solution. Give the time to read the 5th interview of Dr. Neruda from the Wingmakers if you are serious about true freedom, true love for all of humanity. I wish you well on your journey, with much respect, thank you and enjoy.

Earth was and is a very unique planet. It was entirely of water originally. But what made it interesting to beings was the fact that its core enabled it to have a gravitational force that supported manifestation. It began to traverse from an inter-dimensional planet of sound frequencies to a planet of matter—of physical matter. Its gravity-producing core or nucleus was able to literally create the conditions that allowed it to materialize itself over eons of time. There are records of this on the disc that was taken from the twenty-third chamber at the Ancient Arrow site. But some of this we knew from other documents we’ve retrieved from the Sumerian record that have not been widely distributed.
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This was when the Atlanteans lived within the planet. They were the race of beings that inhabited earth at this time of its formation. The Anunnaki came to them and negotiated an agreement to allow the Anunnaki to mine a substance near the core of the planet that would be—in its essence—what today we would call gold. They required gold. The exact reason is unknown, but it had something to do with the way that gold modulated the frequency of their body. Gold was an essence to their race. It held a property that was vital to their survival. The record is a little vague as to exactly why it was so important. But these records mention that their entire planet had twelve major cities and all of them were made of a semi-transparent gold. Even the book of Revelations refers to this.
The Anunnaki, were a race of beings that were not physical, but etheric, inter-dimensional beings. Since the Atlanteans were the only race of beings on earth at that time, they—the Anunnaki—sought permission to set-up mining on earth, which the Atlanteans agreed to. They didn’t see any harm in helping this race. They weren’t a competitor, since the Atlanteans were larger and more numerous. The Atlanteans wanted to have an agreement with the Anunnaki if only to befriend them for their technology. Also, the gold mining was in an area of earth that was of little consequence to them.

The Neruda Interviews

The back-story of the WingMakers. The reality of The Grand Portal. Everywhere in-between.

The true focus of the fifth interview isn’t the scientific definition of the Hologram of Deception, but rather how we can free ourselves from its pervasive and illusory presence. The Sovereign Integral process is defined in this interview in detail, but you may have to read carefully to hear and understand it. This process is truly the centerpiece of the fifth interview. Whatever philosophical perspective you wish to attach to this information, bear in mind that it is shared in the spirit of oneness and equality, and that the Sovereign Integral process is a decidedly experiential practice.
– James
Excerpt from the Introduction,
The Fifth Interview of Dr. Jamisson Neruda

The five interviews of Dr. Jamisson Neruda are an extension of the Ancient Arrow Project novel. The first three interviews are contained on the First Source disc, the fourth interview was released in November 2002, about a year following the release of the disc, and the fifth interview was released in April 2014.

You can listen to Jerry DeCamp read the whole interview in his youtube video below.

Atlanteans The First Beings On Earth

This information is for educational purposes and not for profit of any kind. Own and copy writes WingMakers LLC This post is to assist in spreading this valuable information to humanity. Thank you.



The Devils Power that is Exercised Through the Pope of Rome
by Optima Mentis
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First and foremost we must understand that America was created and is run by the Knights of Malta, the Jesuit Order from the Vatican. The Templars of old. If you have not resonated with this fact then your slavery will continue and none of this will make much sense to you. This does not in any way mean that Catholicism is to blame as it is not. Most Catholics have no idea of the truth that is written here today. So it may be time to put down your religious zealotry and seek what is naturally truth. We must do this by perusing Temple matters.

One of the first things we all need to do is separate from this all capital letter name entity. This business trust, this artificial entity that is called the U.S. Citizen. That was created a few days after our natural birth when the State filed a Birth Certificate in the County of your birth. We need to cease to be surety for the U.S. Citizen.

In order to understand how this came to be we must understand the history of this Jesuit conspiracy. This can be basically explained in seven parts.

One: In the beginning of America we were first Citizens of our State then we became Citizens of the United States. In our beginnings that was only for the white people. The privileges and immunities of this subordinate and derivative Citizenship of the United States included the Bill of Rights. This was our Common Law Rights at the time. This restricted and limited the power of the Federal Government. The Jesuits sought to remove those absolute limitations of power of the Federal Government. So what the Jesuits did after they formatted the War Between the States or commonly known at the time as the “War of the Northern Aggression”. After the death of approximately 700,000 American men they forced the Fourteenth Amendment down the throats of the seven States.

What the Fourteenth Amendment did is broaden the old Article 4 Section 2 U.S. Citizenship. It did not create a new Citizenship it merely broadened the Citizenship, this was made clear according to Supreme Court Case: Colgate vs Harvey, 296 U.S. 404 (1935) No. 8. Argued October 14, 15, 1935. It in fact broadened the Citizenship to include all people of all color in equality. This did two things, it broadened the Citizenship of the United States to include everyone and it also made it National Citizenship. However, the Citizens were still entitled a civilian process IE: the right of due process under Article 1, at the State and Federal level.

Two: Back in 1873. The Supreme Court Ruling in the Slaughter-House Cases, 83 U.S. (16 Wall.) 36, 21 L. Ed. 394 (1873). This was an attack on the broadened Fourteenth Amendment Citizenship to not include the Bill of Rights. This robbed the Privileges and Immunities of any Constitutional significance. The Jesuit controlled Supreme Court successfully altered the Citizenship at this time both on a State and Federal level to no longer have the civilian process IE: the right of due process under Article 1.

Three: In Pennsylvania in 1906 is when the filling of the Birth Certificate became mandatory. This filling instigates a contract filed with a third party recorded keeper. When it becomes filed it is by operation of law a legal contract. There is no need for consent at this point to make it a contract counter to what some believe. It has all the correct steps and signatures to constitute a legal contract and that is fact. This contract creates an artificial person. The artificial person it creates is called a U.S. Citizen and it attached the private American Citizen as surety for this person. A person is defined in Black’s Law Dictionary as a Corporation. The American Citizen at this time becomes the property of this business trust called the U.S. Citizen. However, nothing really changed even though these Birth Certificates were in fact filed. Americans still worked under common law, they still exchanged their labor for wages and that was not regarded as income.

Four: In 1933 under Franklin D. Roosevelt on March 9th he proclaimed the Emergency War Powers Act. On the same day Congress passed the Trading with the Enemy Act of World War One to be amended to include all persons within the United States. What this in fact did was seized all property in America as booty of our De facto Military Government established by FDR. And he seized all the labor by the persons in America as booty and all Businesses as well. Whenever an Army takes something on land it is called booty of war. Since we were now under the Emergency War Powers Act it was considered goods or property seized by force or plunder taken from the enemy, the enemy at this point in time became the persons of America. This happened in every State and County of the United States Inc as the United States on recorded was incorporated back in 1871. But let us not digress.

Five: In 1935 the Government took the U.S. Citizen with their surety and put them in interstate and foreigner commerce with the Social Security Act giving those Social Security Numbers to interface in commerce. In essence what the Government did was taking their booty and putting it into international business.

Six: In 1938 The Jesuit run Supreme Court under Knights of Malta controlled President Franklin D Roosevelt on April 25th the court handed down two key decisions. First, the Tompkins vs Erie Railroad decision 304 U.S. 64, 58 S. Ct. 817, 82 L. Ed. 1188, in that it was basically decided there will be no more general Federal Common Law. That meant there was no longer a need for a Common Law procedure on a Federal level. This opened the door to produce a Civil Law Marshal procedure under Military Law or Admiralty Law. The next case was United States vs Carolene Products Company 304 U.S. 144 (1938) In this case the Supreme Court ended what was called the Lochner Era a period in American legal history in which the Supreme Court tended to use substantive due process to strike down laws held to be infringing on economic liberty or private contract rights, and takes its name from a 1905 case, Lochner vs New York. This was basically upholding the right to exchange ones labor for money, a Common Law right. So there was no income tax. But on April 25th 1938 the Jesuit owned Supreme Court removed any Common Law rights that could be used in Federal Court. So now everything is a Civil Law procedure following a Military Marshal process. In 1938 a whole new legal era began in America. This is why all the courts have U.S. Flags trimmed in gold fringe to signify Military Marshal Process or Admiralty Law. Those are called Military Colors. They will proceed against you in the name of War, which is an all capital letter name. What we have are constitutional courts as they are created from a constitution, but the process is Marshal because there is a legal presumption that everybody, all the American Citizens are surety for the U.S. Citizens. Until that presumption is rebutted the Judge will act in accordance with Military Marshal Process.

Seven: The last thing that was changed. In 1950 under Harry Truman he proclaimed perpetual Foreigner War. So that the De facto Military Government of 1933 has been at Foreign War status since 1950 and that is why Congress does not declare war any longer. The fact is the proclamation of 1933 and 1950 cannot be done away with by Congress. The only one that can do away with these proclamations is the President as Commander in Chief and he is a puppet of the Jesuits. Keep in mind Presidents of Corporations are not voted into place, they are appointed and in the case of America voting is nothing but a charade to make the masses think they have a say. In fact they do not. This is a Roman model of Governing. The American Empire is used for commerce and war, nothing more. This is all to benefit the Jesuits in the Vatican. Your income tax dollars go to the privately owned Federal Reserve and then onto the British Crown where 40% is kept by the British and 60% is sent on to the Vatican. Follow the money.

In Rome it was Augustus Caesar that took the Roman Republic into a Dictatorship much the same way the Jesuits have done to America. In the American model FDR plays Augustus Caesar. The FBI, CIA, NSA Secret Service and so forth are all under Jesuit rule. Just like the Praetorian Guard used in Roman times.
